Dearest Dharma friends, family, sisters and brothers,
I would like to start this letter with a very important fact.
It is of utmost importance to understand certain aspects of Lama Thubten Yeshe's style at the time that he was alive. He would travel around the globe every year, and when he finished the tour around the FPMT centers while also starting new centers, (thanks to the dedication and immense passion of the people at that time who gave everything for this to happen) he would make sure to immediately do one very important thing. Lama Yeshe would request an appointment with H.H. The Dalaï Lama every year, in order to keep Him perfectly informed in every aspect and detail of everything that was happening within FPMT. This update and report would happen in a private audience with Him.
The main reason for me to say this, is that the FPMT has always been, is, and always will be at the service and in the hands of HHDL. The Biglove Mandala is under the guidance and blessings of H.H. the Dalai Lama. We all know this, there is no need to express the importance of acknowledging this fact.
All the decisions made by and inside FPMT are ultimately under H.H.'s authority and vast vision. We will accept whatever He decides, because it is only thanks to Him and for Him that we are all here, working all together to improve the well being of all mother sentient beings. We work together for the benefit of all sentient beings. And of course we must never forget the kindness of our Dear Guru Lama Zopa Rimpoche. Kyabje Lama Zopa Rimpoche has always been working tirelessly for all sentient beings in all the dimensions at all times. We must never forget we are disciples of the same Gurus.
This is not the time for arrogance, or distracting ourselves with petty samsaric arguments and what not. If we have any kind of awareness, then we have to understand that we are breaking our samaya by falling prey to our own attachments and ideas. As we know, one of the biggest attachments we can have is the attachment to our own ideas, thoughts and perceptions. There are many realities and perspectives all the time. Not just our truth, the other person's truth, or the conventional truth. But also there is the universal truth which we cannot understand yet. Our Gurus have the capacity to see this and we must understand that it is NOT up to us to decide this vast knowledge of the Buddhas.
We are a family, and although we sometimes have misunderstandings between us or different perspectives within our own limitations, it is of utmost importance to remember that we are all sisters and brothers, that we are all allied under the same banner with exactly the same mission in our hearts and minds.
I hope that in time everyone will understand the circumstances, karma, and how precious it is to remain together as a united and loving family. We really must refrain from creating more division, PLEASE i humbly request. We share the same Gurus, there is inconceivable love for them, and even if we all strive to follow their advice and make their wishes reality it is understandable that sometimes we make mistakes and there can be misunderstandings and bad communication. Nevertheless, We all prostrate to H.H. the Dalai Lama and Lama Thubten Zopa Rimpoche with great devotion and humility. We must all work to regain our unity of heart because that is the wish of our Gurus, and the very meaning of this foundation.
If we have the karma, Lama Zopa Rinpoche's presence will definitely be among us again, but we should remember that we need to have enough merit and pure samayas in order for this to become a reality.
There is an inner wish i hold dear to my heart, and that is to be able to be part of the process of Lama Zopa Rinpoche's reincarnation's education. There are many things i have learned and gone through which offer me some insight on how to be able to ensure that the same mistakes are not repeated, as well as to protect him with all our unity. We must make sure that he will be protected and that we can be there for him in the precious moments of his childhood. Ensuring his emotional stability as well as his inner joy and wellbeing.
That being said i hope people can gain some consciousness and remember the teachings and kindness of our dear and precious Gurus and guides.
I would also like to add that all the help and support to me has been really uplifting and helpful.
I'm truly very grateful to all the people who have sent the donations over the last few days, and really thank everyone from the bottom of my heart with a lot of gratitude and relief. Your generosity has moved me a lot. I think i have enough now to live decently for quite some time. In the next coming months, i will find a way to rebuild and reconstruct my life to find other resources that will sustain me and my son in the next few years.
One thing is need, another thing is greed. If there are people still willing to donate perhaps find a good cause and offer with the pure intention of creating a better world for everyone. As H.H. the Dalai Lama says, environmentalism is a great opportunity to ensure the future of the next generations to come. We all know that the next generations have lent us the planet and it is our personal individual responsibility to learn how to adapt instead of forcing nature to adapt to us, which makes no sense whatsoever.
Lastly, i have to inform everyone that this Gofundme that was opened recently did not have my prior consent. I was not consulted at all, before it was published, and so even though the intention may have been good hearted, it would be good to clarify this before any more misunderstandings. I have requested the person responsible to please close this and return all donations. I have received enough personal donations already and there is no need for more at this time.
Before i finish the letter, i also wanted to share with all of you dearest karmic connections in human form, that i will be there available as best i can and at your service once more soon enough. It will take time to rebuild my life and settle down but it will happen in due time. Before the year ends i believe. We have to be there for each other, whatever happens. Our ties can never be broken. This whole process is bringing us together again, with clarity, light and blessings from all the Buddhas and Gurus.
Lama Thubten Yeshe began this Universal Mandala as a vehicle for us to be able to grow, share, love and cherish each other.
With great respect to everyone, please keep in mind your thoughts and actions in a positive way, always thinking about the feelings of the other person close to you. Everyone is a book and we only know the cover. Everyone has their own personal struggles which we know nothing about. Thank you again for understanding and let's now actually put into practice all that the knowledge that has been taught to us with great sacrifice and dedication from the holy lineages and generations that we are so lucky to have available to us. Let us not forget this. <3
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